Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Blown Away

Early yesterday evening, I took my mother on her monthly shopping trip to a local Neighborhood Wal-Mart with my fiance. As always, both of us were running around the store to get her things to prevent her from being trampled by the massive amount of shoppers in the store.

In typical fashion, I traveled to the pharmacy to pick up her medication and grab a few items from the Health and Beauty section. Of course, like always, I decided to peruse around the aisles looking for something that caught my eyes. 

While looking, a gentleman named Jeremy said excuse me since he thought he was in the way. When I looked at him, I smiled, and said, "No, no, no. You're perfectly okay." By this time, his eyes began to squint a little like he had something he was trying to figure out.

Meeting him and speaking to him quite literally illustrated why I write this blog. 

After Jeremy telling me that he swore he knew me and that I looked familiar and that it was driving him insane because he couldn't place me, he asked if I had written any books. I smiled at him, and said no but was in the process of writing one. By this time (no offense, Jeremy), I was slightly concerned. My fiance was in the store helping my mother, but he wouldn't hear me if, for one reason or another, I began calling his name.

I had completed grabbing the items I needed to get for my mom, and told him to have a good day. His response was endearing. "I know I know you. You look so damn familiar that I swear I could lose my mind trying to place you." I smiled again and told him that I was sorry, but I did not recognize him. 

As I was walking away, he held up his phone and yelled, "You're Desireé!!!! Oh! My! God!! You're famous!!"

By this time, not only was I completely shocked and overwhelmed, but my heart was exploding because my blog is reaching so many, and these readers are recognizing me and the words I write.

Jeremy told me that as soon as he saw me smile, he knew he had seen me before, and he finally figured it out.

I confirmed that I was the writer of this blog and told him that it was a pleasure to meet him and that I was so happy he read my writing.

With tears in his eyes, he told me that his mother, Celeste, reads my posts, and my writing has given her hope. He told me that I have no idea how I have changed her life; her outlook on having MS; her behavior and attitude.

It was endearing to see him become so ecstatic while he was speaking to me and begged for a picture of me. I kindly declined, but he requested that I write something to his mom as he handed me the back of a checkbook.

I wrote to Celeste, "Celeste, remember that nothing worth having comes easy. Though you may have MS, MS does NOT have you. xoxo Desireé"

This is the first time I've physically met a reader outside of my family and friends, and to be quite honest, meeting Jeremy, hearing his story of his mom, and hearing how my writing has influenced her allowed me to realize, again, that what I am doing is not in vain.

Jeremy also asked why I haven't written in a while. To my readers, I am sorry. With grad school, work, family, and planning a wedding, things have been quite hectic in my life. I can assure you, however, that my writing is not sparse because I do not want to write. You are all the reasons why I write.

With all that I am, thank you. Thank you for reading my humble blog. Thank you for reading my story and sharing your fears and successes with me.

To Celeste, however, please know that meeting your son was an absolutely incredible moment for me. You raised a great young man, and you should be proud of the man he is. He loves you dearly and would do anything to ensure that you are healthy and happy.

Thank you for reading my blog. I hope that my words offer you comfort during terrifying and confusing circumstances. 

I know you've had MS for quite some time, but never forget that how you react to your circumstances - your behavior - shapes you into the woman you are today. You are an inspiration to so many, and you are an inspiration to me. In less than six months, I will be married to my best friend, and he and I will be trying to have a baby. Knowing you had MS before you had your son gives me hope that I can have my own child one day. 

Celeste, you are not alone. In every step you take, never forget that you have others supporting you and ensuring that you are safe and secure. I am here supporting you and fighting along right beside you. 

If you become fearful or discouraged, keep in mind that no matter what, you will get through anything that comes your way. You are a strong, courageous, and amazing woman. All who know you are blessed with your presence. Though I've never met you, I am forever changed to know about you.

Remember, Celeste, stay strong and hopeful. Though circumstances may try to knock you down, I have no doubt in my mind that you will get right back up and continue fighting - like I do. Thank you for proving that hope and determination can be radiated through words. You, Celeste, are my inspiration.

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