Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Christa and Shirley

This past weekend, I was pleasantly surprised by an e-mail from a reader (Christa). This e-mail, however, was from a caretaker of a woman suffering with MS (Shirley). Reading her words made me incredibly emotional yet I could feel the pain, sadness, and loneliness that Shirley has and is feeling.

Through Christa's words, I have a new respect for those in our lives who continually strive to make our lives easier. I thoroughly believe that MS can be a blessing in disguise, and I believe that Christa is Shirley's guardian angel

(for privacy purposes, I have eliminated parts of Christa's e-mail to me).

Hi Desiree,

You don't know me but I believe I might have found u on the web for a reason. A very dear friend/client of mine has struggled with MS for some time now. Recently, she was placed in a nursing home due to the 24 hr a day care that she now needs. Shirley is in her 60 's , far from old, and completely depleted and depressed. This is a woman who is normally extremely positive , cheerful, insightful, educated and loving. She told me today that she wants to commit suicide , that is how unhappy she is. This is not the Shirley I know.

I imagine she feels very alone with this disease and maybe if you reached out to her and let her know she's not alone it would make a world of a difference. ...thanks for reading and I hope you are doing well.

Thanks again.
It is impossible for me to express the emotions I had while reading your e-mail. I am always so surprised when I receive any type of communication from my readers, and your e-mail had me in tears.
First and foremost, thank you for reaching out to me in regard to your friend/client, Shirley. I hope that you are able to speak to Shirley on my behalf and give her the words of encouragement that she needs. Though my words are for Shirley, please know that my words are intended for you both.
There was a time in my life when I felt
Everything I tried to build my life upon crumbled beneath me, and I was content with allowing my life to dwindle into nothing. Sadly, I was okay with doing whatever I had to do to ensure that my life ended sooner rather than later. No matter how many times I tried or how many times I begged for my life to be over, I still remained.
But why?
What we may be unable to comprehend or accept is that everything we go through – our struggles, our adversities, our tears, our triumphs – prepares us for something much greater. We do not know what has been planned for us nor do we know what we are being prepared for. What we can do now, however, is take the walk with our heads held high and move forward.
You are an incredible woman.
Your pain, your struggles, your tears have continued to empower your character. Though you may want your life to end, though you may want to give up, and though you may want to allow this disease to consume your being, you cannot. You can continue to move forward as the positive, insightful, cheerful, loving, and educated woman you are. You may be searching for a way out, and I understand why you are. However, please know that you can continue living a fulfilled life and can reach higher than you originally believed your aspirations and dreams could take you.
Shirley, you are not alone.
You have a support system that will pick you up when you fall and celebrate your triumphs. Shirley, I am here. I will always be here to answer any questions you may have, listen to your fears, or be the kind soul you need to listen. No matter what, never forget that you have MS. MS does not have you.
You have had an amazing and beautiful life, and you will continue living in amazement and beauty. You will be shocked by what your body can overcome and how your heart can heal the deepest wounds. You are, Shirley, a creation with a deep and unwavering plan. Always keep in the back of your mind that nothing worth having comes easy. You may want to give up, but know that you are being guided and protected..
I am here with you fighting for the same things you are. I have all the faith in the world that you will overcome the struggles you have faced and will fight through the mazes you’ve yet to encounter.
You are a strong and courageous woman.
I believe in you.

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